Thursday, May 20, 2010

My dad sent me this article from the New York Times (clipped out of the newspaper and sent u.s. postal! my dad is wildly old-fashioned.)

It's sort of a received-wisdom thesis on the Gen X midlife crisis.

Is the word “crisis” useful in thinking about midlife?

Most of us, it is true, born between ’65 and ’85, have gotten to the point on our lives where we look back and take in the view. Some will doubtless feel pleased, others disappointed with their estimation of their accomplishments thus far.

In either case, the question “am I on the right track?” has a persistent validity. A sort of a “go straight or turn” moment where the question is not how to get to a specific place (Google Maps can answer that), but “where do I want to go?”

Damn this is rambling. I have to get a job with a quickness, that's my crisis. But who will hire me to do what I know needs doing?

Question: Is there anywhere “to go” in life?

(If that one doesn't belong in the GEN X FAQ :p)

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